Fantasy Data

Data Dictionary

Below you will find a list of all data points that are contained within each feed that we offer. If any of the information provided below is unclear, or if you have a specific question, please contact support.

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All dates & times are in US Eastern Time.

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This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NASCAR API
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
DriverID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this driver (assigned by SportsDataIO)
FirstName string 50 No No Yes The driver's first name
LastName string 50 No No Yes The driver's last name
Number integer 32 Yes No Yes The driver's car number
NumberDisplay string 10 Yes No Yes The driver's car number for display purposes (with leading zeros when necessary)
Team string 100 Yes No Yes The driver's team name
BirthDate date Yes No Yes The driver's birth date
Gender string 10 Yes No Yes The driver's gender
Height integer 32 Yes No Yes The driver's height
Weight integer 32 Yes No Yes The driver's weight
Manufacturer string 50 Yes No Yes The manufacturer of the driver's car
CrewChief string 50 Yes No Yes The name of the crew chief for the driver
PhotoUrl string 250 Yes No Yes This field is deprecated. Photos are no longer available through it. Headshots are now delivered through IMAGN. Please see our Headshots products for further information.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NASCAR API
Race Results
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this stat record
DriverID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this driver
Season integer 32 No No Yes The season that this race is associated with
Name string 50 Yes No Yes The driver's name
Number integer 32 Yes No Yes The driver's car number
NumberDisplay string 10 Yes No Yes The driver's car number for display purposes (with leading zeros when necessary)
Manufacturer string 50 Yes No Yes The manufacturer of the driver's car
DraftKingsSalary integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The DraftKings salary of the driver for this race
RaceID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this race
Day date No No Yes The day of this race
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date/time of this race
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The fantasy points scored by this driver
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The fantasy points scored by this driver, according to the DraftKings scoring system
PoleFinalPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The final position this driver finished in the qualifying race (pole)
StartPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The driver's starting position for the race (typically the same as the PoleFinalPosition)
FinalPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The driver's final position for the race
PositionDifferential decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The driver's differential between the final position and the starting position
LapsLed decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The total number of laps that this driver finished in first place
FastestLaps decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The total number of laps that this driver finished fastest
Wins decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Indicates whether this driver won the race
Poles decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Indicates whether this driver won the qualifying race (pole)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NASCAR API
Races / Schedule, Race Results
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
RaceID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this race
SeriesID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the series that this race is associated with
SeriesName string 50 No No Yes The name of the series that this race is associated with
Season integer 32 No No Yes The season that this race is associated with
Name string 100 No No Yes The name of this race
Day date No No Yes The day of this race
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date/time of this race
Track string 100 Yes No Yes The name of the track for this race
WinnerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the driver who won this race
PoleWinnerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the driver who won the qualifying pole
ScheduledLaps integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of laps scheduled for this race
ActualLaps integer 32 Yes No Yes Number of laps ran for this race
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NASCAR API
Race Results
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
Race Race Yes No Yes The details of the race
DriverRaces DriverRace[] Yes No Yes The details of the drivers in this race
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NASCAR API
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeriesID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this series
Name string 50 No No Yes The name of this series


This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StatID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this stat record
DriverID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of this driver
Season integer 32 No No Yes The season that this race is associated with
Name string 50 Yes No Yes The driver's name
Number integer 32 Yes No Yes The driver's car number
NumberDisplay string 10 Yes No Yes The driver's car number for display purposes (with leading zeros when necessary)
Manufacturer string 50 Yes No Yes The manufacturer of the driver's car
DraftKingsSalary integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The DraftKings salary of the driver for this race
RaceID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this race
Day date No No Yes The day of this race
DateTime datetime Yes No Yes The date/time of this race
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The fantasy points scored by this driver
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The fantasy points scored by this driver, according to the DraftKings scoring system
PoleFinalPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The final position this driver finished in the qualifying race (pole)
StartPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The driver's starting position for the race (typically the same as the PoleFinalPosition)
FinalPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The driver's final position for the race
PositionDifferential decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The driver's differential between the final position and the starting position
LapsLed decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The total number of laps that this driver finished in first place
FastestLaps decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The total number of laps that this driver finished fastest
Wins decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Indicates whether this driver won the race
Poles decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Indicates whether this driver won the qualifying race (pole)