Fantasy Data

NFL Data Dictionary

The FantasyData NFL API has a new home over at SportsDataIO Discovery Lab, a platform built to offer affordable sports data for students, hobbyists and personal projects.

If you're looking for a more extensive product to power your website or application, we encourage you to check out SportsDataIO's commercial NFL API.

Below you will find a list of all data points that are contained within each feed that we offer. If any of the information provided below is unclear, or if you have a specific question, please contact support.

Go to our developer portal for a full list of operations including deprecated, legacy and test endpoints.

All dates & times are in US Eastern Time.

Choose League:


This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Bye Weeks
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Bye Weeks
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
Season integer 32 No No No The NFL season during which this bye week occurs.
Week integer 32 No No No The NFL week during this bye week
Team string 50 Yes No No The NFL team who is on bye during this week
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PlayerID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
Team string 10 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the team this player is employed by, or if currently unemployed, the most recent team this player was employed by.
Number integer 32 Yes No Yes Player's jersey number
FirstName string 50 Yes No Yes Player's first name
LastName string 50 Yes No Yes Player's last name
Position string 10 Yes No Yes Player's primary position. Possible values: C, CB, DB, DE, DE/LB, DL, DT, FB, FS, G, ILB, K, KR, LB, LS, NT, OL, OLB, OT, P, QB, RB, S, SS, T, TE, WR
Status string 50 Yes No Yes The player's current status. Possible values include Active, Inactive, Injured Reserve, Physically Unable to Perform, Practice Squad, Suspended, Non Football Injury, Non-Football Illness, Commissioner Exempt List, Exempt/Left Team, Paternity, Bereavement, Reserve/COVID-19, and Voluntary Opt Out. Inactive indicates that this player is a free agent. Active indicates that this player is on his team's active roster.
Height string 50 Yes No Yes Height in feet, inches
Weight integer 32 Yes No Yes Weight in pounds
BirthDate datetime Yes No Yes Date of birth
College string 50 Yes No Yes College
Experience integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of years experience. This number is incremented every year, in the Spring, when we load the rookies following the NFL Draft. Rookies will have Experience = Zero, while second year players will have Experience = 2.
FantasyPosition string 10 Yes No Yes The player's fantasy football position. Possible values: QB, RB, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB, K, P, OL
PositionCategory string 3 Yes No Yes The category (Offense, Defense or Special Teams) of the players position (OFF, DEF, ST)
PhotoUrl string 250 Yes No Yes This field is deprecated. Photos are no longer available through it. Headshots are now delivered through IMAGN. Please see our Headshots products for further information.
ByeWeek integer 32 Yes No Yes The week the player is on Bye for the upcoming or current season
AverageDraftPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position of the player for the upcoming season's fantasy football draft
from 2013
string 10 Yes No Yes The team who drafted this player. If this player was an Undrafted Free Agent, then it's the team who first signed him as a rookie.
from 2013
integer 32 Yes No Yes The year this player entered the NFL as rookie.
from 2013
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The round this player was drafted in.
from 2013
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The overall pick in the draft this player was selected.
from 2013
boolean No No Yes Whether this player was an undrafted free agent. This value is True if the player was drafted.
FanDuelPlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's cross reference PlayerID to FanDuel.
DraftKingsPlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The player's cross reference PlayerID to DraftKings.
InjuryStatus string 50 Yes Yes Yes The player's current injury status, in the form of likelihood that player plays (Probable, Questionable, Doubtful, Out)
FanDuelName string 50 Yes No Yes The player's full name in FanDuel's daily fantasy sports platform.
DraftKingsName string 50 Yes No Yes The player's full name in DraftKings' daily fantasy sports platform.
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Teams (Active)
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Teams (Active)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StadiumID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stadium
Name string 100 No No Yes The full name of the stadium
City string 50 No No Yes The city where the stadium is located
State string 10 Yes No Yes The US state where the stadium is located (if Stadium is outside US, this value is NULL)
Country string 10 No No Yes The 2-digit country code where the stadium is located
Capacity integer 32 Yes No Yes The estimated seating capacity of the stadium
PlayingSurface string 50 Yes No Yes The playing surface of the stadium (Grass, Artificial or Dome)
GeoLat decimal 32 Yes No Yes The geographic latitude coordinate of this venue.
GeoLong decimal 32 Yes No Yes The geographic longitude coordinate of this venue.
Type string 50 Yes No Yes The type of the stadium (possible values: Outdoor, Dome, RetractableDome)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL regular season for which these totals apply
Conference string 50 Yes No Yes The conference of the team (e.g. AFC or NFC)
Division string 50 Yes No Yes The division of the team (e.g. East, North, South, West)
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Name string 50 Yes No Yes The full name of the team
Wins integer 32 No No Yes Regular season wins
Losses integer 32 No No Yes Regular season losses
Ties integer 32 No No Yes Regular season ties
Percentage decimal 32 No No Yes Winning percentage
PointsFor integer 32 No No Yes Points scored during regular season games
PointsAgainst integer 32 No No Yes Points allowed during regular season games
NetPoints integer 32 No No Yes Difference between PointsFor and PointsAgainst
Touchdowns integer 32 Yes No Yes Total touchdowns scored
DivisionWins integer 32 No No Yes Regular season wins within the division
DivisionLosses integer 32 No No Yes Regular season losses within the division
ConferenceWins integer 32 No No Yes Regular season wins within the conference
ConferenceLosses integer 32 No No Yes Regular season losses within the conference
TeamID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the team
DivisionTies integer 32 No No Yes Regular season ties within the division
ConferenceTies integer 32 No No Yes Regular season ties within the conference
GlobalTeamID integer 32 Yes No No A globally unique ID for this team. This value is guaranteed to be unique across all sports/leagues.
DivisionRank integer 32 No No Yes Rank within the division
ConferenceRank integer 32 No No Yes Rank within the conference
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Teams (Active)
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Teams (Active)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
Key string 50 No No Yes Abbreviation of the team (e.g. SD, PHI, NE, IND, etc.)
TeamID integer 32 No No No The auto-generated unique ID of the Team.
PlayerID integer 32 No No No The auto-generated unique ID of the Team, that avoids collisions with PlayerIDs. This is useful when combining players and fantasy defenses to create fantasy teams.
City string 50 No No Yes The city/location of the team (e.g. San Diego, Philadelphia, New England, Indianapolis, etc.)
Name string 50 No No Yes The mascot of the team (e.g. Chargers, Eagles, Patriots, Colts, etc.)
Conference string 50 Yes No Yes The conference of the team (e.g. AFC or NFC)
Division string 50 Yes No Yes The division of the team (e.g. East, North, South, West)
FullName string 50 Yes No Yes The full name of the team (e.g. New England Patriots)
StadiumID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team's current home stadium
ByeWeek integer 32 Yes No Yes The bye week of the team in the upcoming regular season
AverageDraftPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
AverageDraftPositionPPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position in PPR leagues of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
PrimaryColor string 6 Yes No Yes The team's primary color. (This is not licensed for public or commercial use)
SecondaryColor string 6 Yes No Yes The team's secondary color. (This is not licensed for public or commercial use)
TertiaryColor string 6 Yes No Yes The team's tertiary color. (This is not licensed for public or commercial use)
QuaternaryColor string 6 Yes No Yes The team's quaternary color. (This is not licensed for public or commercial use)
WikipediaLogoUrl string 250 Yes No Yes The link to the team's logo hosted on Wikipedia. (This is not licensed for public or commercial use)
WikipediaWordMarkUrl string 250 Yes No Yes The link to the team's wordmark logo hosted on Wikipedia. (This is not licensed for public or commercial use)
DraftKingsName string 50 Yes No Yes Team's DST name on DraftKings daily fantasy contests
DraftKingsPlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Team's DST player ID on DraftKings daily fantasy contests
FanDuelName string 50 Yes No Yes Team's DST name on FanDuel daily fantasy contests
FanDuelPlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Team's DST player ID on FanDuel daily fantasy contests
StadiumDetails Stadium Yes No No The details of this team's home stadium
AverageDraftPosition2QB decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position in 2 QuarterBack Leagues of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
AverageDraftPositionDynasty decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position in dynasty of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeasonType integer 32 No No No The season type of the timeframe (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=All-Star)
Season integer 32 No No No The league year of the timeframe (this gets incremented on the first day of the league year during free agency)
Week integer 32 Yes No No The week of the timeframe (Regular Season=1 to 17, Preseason=1 to 4, Postseason=1 to4, Offseason=NULL)
Name string 50 No No No The friendly name of the Timeframe
ShortName string 50 No No No The shorter name of the Timeframe
StartDate datetime No No No The start date/time of this Timeframe
EndDate datetime No No No The end date/time of the Timeframe
ApiSeason string 10 Yes No No The value of the Season parameter used to pass into the API.
ApiWeek string 10 Yes No No The value of the Week parameter used to pass into the API.


This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SlateID integer 32 No No No Unique ID of a Slate (assigned by SportsDataIO).
Operator string 20 Yes No No The name of the operator who is running contests for this slate. Possible values: FanDuel, DraftKings, Yahoo, FantasyDraft, etc.
OperatorSlateID integer 32 Yes No No Unique ID of a slate (assigned by the operator).
OperatorName string 50 Yes No No The name of the slate (assigned by the operator). Possible values: Main, Express, Arcade, Late Night, etc.
OperatorDay date Yes No No The day (in EST/EDT) that the slate begins (assigned by the operator).
OperatorStartTime datetime Yes No No The date/time (in EST/EDT) that the slate begins (assigned by the operator).
NumberOfGames integer 32 Yes No No The number of actual games that this slate covers.
IsMultiDaySlate boolean Yes No No Whether this slate uses games that take place on different days.
RemovedByOperator boolean Yes No No Indicates whether this slate was removed/deleted by the operator.
OperatorGameType string 50 Yes No No The game type of the slate. Will often be null as most operators only have one game type.
DfsSlateGames DfsSlateGame[] Yes No No The games that are included in this slate.
DfsSlatePlayers DfsSlatePlayer[] Yes No No The players that are included in this slate.
SlateRosterSlots string[] Yes No Yes The positions that need to be filled for this particular slate
SalaryCap integer Yes No Yes The salary cap for the current slate (is null for slates with no salary cap such a Tiers gametypes)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SlateGameID integer 32 No No No Unique ID of a SlateGame (assigned by SportsDataIO).
SlateID integer 32 No No No The SlateID that this SlateGame refers to.
GameID integer 32 Yes No No The SportsDataIO GameID that this SlateGame refers to. This points to data in the respective sports' schedule/game/box score feeds.
OperatorGameID integer 32 Yes No No Unique ID of a SlateGame (assigned by the operator).
RemovedByOperator boolean Yes Yes No Indicates whether this game was removed/deleted by the operator.
ScoreID integer 32 Yes No No Unique ID of the Score/Game.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SlatePlayerID integer 32 No No No Unique ID of a SlatePlayer (assigned by SportsDataIO).
SlateID integer 32 No No No The SlateID that this SlatePlayer refers to.
SlateGameID integer 32 Yes No No The SlateGameID that this SlatePlayer refers to.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No No The SportsDataIO PlayerID that this SlatePlayer refers to. This points to data in the respective sports' player feeds.
PlayerGameProjectionStatID integer 32 Yes No No The SportsDataIO StatID that this SlatePlayer refers to. This points to data in the respective sports' projected player game stats feeds. This field is only filled for Players. For the NFL feeds, this is the PlayerGameProjection.PlayerGameID.
FantasyDefenseProjectionStatID integer 32 Yes No No The SportsDataIO StatID that this SlatePlayer refers to. This field is only filled for Defense/Special Teams. For the NFL feeds, this is the FantasyDefenseGameProjection.FantasyDefenseID.
OperatorPlayerID string 25 Yes No No Unique ID of the Player (assigned by the operator).
OperatorSlatePlayerID string 50 Yes No No Unique ID of the SlatePlayer (assigned by the operator).
OperatorPlayerName string 50 Yes No No The player's name (assigned by the operator).
OperatorPosition string 10 Yes No No The player's eligible positions (assigned by the operator).
OperatorRosterSlots string[] Yes No No The player's eligible positions to be played in the contest (assigned by the operator). This would include FLEX, etc plays for those that are eligible.
OperatorSalary integer 32 Yes No No The player's salary for the contest (assigned by the operator).
Team string 10 Yes No No The fantasy data team key for team the player belongs to
TeamID integer 32 Yes No No The fantasy data team id for team the player belongs to
RemovedByOperator boolean Yes No No Indicates whether this player was removed/deleted by the operator.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Fantasy Defense Game Stats
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameKey string 10 No No No A 9 digit unique code identifying the game that this record corresponds to. The GameID is composed of Season, SeasonType, Week and HomeTeam.
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL season of the game
Week integer 32 Yes No Yes The NFL week of the game (regular season: 1 to 17, preseason: 0 to 4, postseason: 1 to 4)
Date datetime Yes No Yes The date/time of the game
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Opponent string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Opponent
PointsAllowed decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of points allowed
TouchdownsScored decimal 32 No Yes Yes Defensive and special teams touchdowns scores
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of yards lost when sacking the opposing quarterback
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles recovered
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total touchdowns from fumbles recovered
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interception returns for touchdowns
BlockedKicks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of blocked field goals and blocked punts
Safeties decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total safeties scored
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of punt returns for touchdowns
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of kick returns for touchdowns
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Blocked kicks returned for a touchdown
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goal returns for touchdowns
QuarterbackHits decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
TacklesForLoss decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
DefensiveTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the defense
SpecialTeamsTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the special teams
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
PointsAllowedByDefenseSpecialTeams decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of points allowed to opposing offense and special teams. This excludes points scored by the opponent's defense.
from 2015
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversions returned for two points.
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The team's unique PlayerID for use when combining with player feeds.
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the Team is Home or Away (possible values: HOME, AWAY)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team.
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team's opponent.
ScoreID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of the Score/Game.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Projected Fantasy Defense Game Stats
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameKey string 10 No No No A 9 digit unique code identifying the game that this record corresponds to. The GameID is composed of Season, SeasonType, Week and HomeTeam.
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL season of the game
Week integer 32 Yes No Yes The NFL week of the game (regular season: 1 to 17, preseason: 0 to 4, postseason: 1 to 4)
Date datetime Yes No Yes The date/time of the game
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Opponent string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Opponent
PointsAllowed decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of points allowed
TouchdownsScored decimal 32 No Yes Yes Defensive and special teams touchdowns scores
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of yards lost when sacking the opposing quarterback
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles recovered
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total touchdowns from fumbles recovered
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interception returns for touchdowns
BlockedKicks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of blocked field goals and blocked punts
Safeties decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total safeties scored
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of punt returns for touchdowns
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of kick returns for touchdowns
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Blocked kicks returned for a touchdown
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goal returns for touchdowns
QuarterbackHits decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
TacklesForLoss decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
DefensiveTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the defense
SpecialTeamsTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the special teams
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
PointsAllowedByDefenseSpecialTeams decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of points allowed to opposing offense and special teams. This excludes points scored by the opponent's defense.
from 2015
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversions returned for two points.
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The team's unique PlayerID for use when combining with player feeds.
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the Team is Home or Away (possible values: HOME, AWAY)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team.
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The ID of the team's opponent.
ScoreID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of the Score/Game.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Fantasy Defense Season Stats
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL regular season for which these totals apply
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
PointsAllowed decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of points allowed
TouchdownsScored decimal 32 No Yes Yes Defensive and special teams touchdowns scores
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of yards lost when sacking the opposing quarterback
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles recovered
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total touchdowns from fumbles recovered
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interception returns for touchdowns
BlockedKicks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of blocked field goals and blocked punts
Safeties decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total safeties scored
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of punt returns for touchdowns
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of kick returns for touchdowns
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Blocked kicks returned for a touchdown
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goal returns for touchdowns
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes Games played
QuarterbackHits decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
TacklesForLoss decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
DefensiveTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the defense
SpecialTeamsTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the special teams
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
PointsAllowedByDefenseSpecialTeams decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of points allowed to opposing offense and special teams.  This excludes points scored by the opponent's defense.
AuctionValue decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap auction draft.
AuctionValuePPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap PPR auction draft.
from 2015
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversions returned for two points.
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The team's unique PlayerID for use when mixing with player feeds.
AverageDraftPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
AverageDraftPositionPPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position in PPR leagues of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
AverageDraftPositionDynasty decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST) in dynasty leagues
AverageDraftPosition2QB decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST) in 2 Quarterback Leagues
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL regular season for which these totals apply
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
PointsAllowed decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of points allowed
TouchdownsScored decimal 32 No Yes Yes Defensive and special teams touchdowns scores
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of yards lost when sacking the opposing quarterback
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of fumbles recovered
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total touchdowns from fumbles recovered
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of interception returns for touchdowns
BlockedKicks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of blocked field goals and blocked punts
Safeties decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total safeties scored
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of punt returns for touchdowns
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total number of kick returns for touchdowns
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Blocked kicks returned for a touchdown
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goal returns for touchdowns
Games integer 32 Yes No Yes Games played
QuarterbackHits decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
TacklesForLoss decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
DefensiveTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the defense
SpecialTeamsTouchdowns decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Total touchdowns scored by the special teams
FantasyPoints decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
PointsAllowedByDefenseSpecialTeams decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of points allowed to opposing offense and special teams.  This excludes points scored by the opponent's defense.
AuctionValue decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap auction draft.
AuctionValuePPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap PPR auction draft.
from 2015
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversions returned for two points.
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes The team's unique PlayerID for use when mixing with player feeds.
AverageDraftPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
AverageDraftPositionPPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position in PPR leagues of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
AverageDraftPositionDynasty decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST) in dynasty leagues
AverageDraftPosition2QB decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST) in 2 Quarterback Leagues
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Player Game Stats by Week
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameKey string 10 No No No A 9 digit unique code identifying the game that this record corresponds to. The GameID is composed of Season, SeasonType, Week and HomeTeam.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL season of the game
GameDate datetime No No Yes The date/time of the game
Week integer 32 No No Yes The NFL week of the game (regular season: 1 to 17, preseason: 0 to 4, postseason: 1 to 4)
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Opponent string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Opponent
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the player is Home or Away
Number integer 32 No No Yes Player's jersey number
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Position string 50 Yes No Yes Player's position for this particular game or season. Possible values: C, CB, DB, DE, DE/LB, DL, DT, FB, FS, G, ILB, K, KR, LB, LS, NT, OL, OLB, OT, P, QB, RB, S, SS, T, TE, WR
PositionCategory string 50 Yes No Yes Abbreviation of either Offense, Defense or Special Teams (OFF, DEF, ST)
Played integer 32 No No Yes Whether the player played in at least one play
Started integer 32 No No Yes Whether the player started on offense or defense
PassingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
PassingCompletions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of pass completions
PassingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passing yards
PassingCompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
PassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
PassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
PassingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
PassingInterceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
PassingRating decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passer rating
PassingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest completion
PassingSacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of times sacked
PassingSackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of being sacked
RushingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
RushingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
RushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
RushingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
RushingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest rush
from 2009
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times targeted by passer
Receptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of receptions
ReceivingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total receiving yards
ReceivingYardsPerReception decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per reception
ReceivingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Receiving touchdowns
ReceivingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest reception
Fumbles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Times fumbled
from 2003
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered by opponent
PuntReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of punt return attempts
PuntReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on punts
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on punt returns
KickReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of kick return attempts
KickReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on kicks
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on kick returns
SoloTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Solo, unassisted tackles
AssistedTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Assisted tackles (also called a half tackle)
from 2008
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of sacking the opposing quarterback
from 2006
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
PassesDefended decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passes defended or batted down
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered that resulted in a turnover
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from fumble recoveries
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from interceptions
FieldGoalsAttempted decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of field goal attempts
FieldGoalsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful field goal attempts
ExtraPointsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful extra points
TwoPointConversionPasses decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion passes
TwoPointConversionRuns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion runs
TwoPointConversionReceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion receptions
FantasyPoints decimal 32 No Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
FantasyPointsPPR decimal 32 No Yes No Fantasy points scored based on basic PPR fantasy scoring system
FantasyPosition string 50 Yes No Yes The player's fantasy football position. Possible values: QB, RB, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB, K, P, OL
PlayerGameID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of PlayerGame record (subject to change, although it very rarely does). For a static ID, use a combination of GameKey and PlayerID.
ExtraPointsAttempted decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kicks attempted
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FieldGoalsMade0to19 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 0 to 19 yards.
FieldGoalsMade20to29 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 20 to 29 yards.
FieldGoalsMade30to39 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 30 to 39 yards.
FieldGoalsMade40to49 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 40 to 49 yards.
FieldGoalsMade50Plus decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 50+ yards.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
InjuryStatus string 50 Yes Yes Yes The player's injury status for the upcoming game, in the form of likelihood that player plays (Probable, Questionable, Doubtful, Out)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this opposing team
ScoreID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of the Score/Game.
SnapCountsConfirmed boolean Yes No No Whether snap count fields are confirmed (true/false). This takes place the morning after the game.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameKey string 10 No No No A 9 digit unique code identifying the game that this record corresponds to. The GameID is composed of Season, SeasonType, Week and HomeTeam.
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL season of the game
GameDate datetime No No Yes The date/time of the game
Week integer 32 No No Yes The NFL week of the game (regular season: 1 to 17, preseason: 0 to 4, postseason: 1 to 4)
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Opponent string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Opponent
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the player is Home or Away
Number integer 32 No No Yes Player's jersey number
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Position string 50 Yes No Yes Player's position for this particular game or season. Possible values: C, CB, DB, DE, DE/LB, DL, DT, FB, FS, G, ILB, K, KR, LB, LS, NT, OL, OLB, OT, P, QB, RB, S, SS, T, TE, WR
PositionCategory string 50 Yes No Yes Abbreviation of either Offense, Defense or Special Teams (OFF, DEF, ST)
Played integer 32 No No Yes Whether the player played in at least one play
Started integer 32 No No Yes Whether the player started on offense or defense
PassingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
PassingCompletions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of pass completions
PassingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passing yards
PassingCompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
PassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
PassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
PassingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
PassingInterceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
PassingRating decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passer rating
PassingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest completion
PassingSacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of times sacked
PassingSackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of being sacked
RushingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
RushingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
RushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
RushingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
RushingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest rush
from 2009
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times targeted by passer
Receptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of receptions
ReceivingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total receiving yards
ReceivingYardsPerReception decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per reception
ReceivingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Receiving touchdowns
ReceivingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest reception
Fumbles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Times fumbled
from 2003
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered by opponent
PuntReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of punt return attempts
PuntReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on punts
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on punt returns
KickReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of kick return attempts
KickReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on kicks
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on kick returns
SoloTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Solo, unassisted tackles
AssistedTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Assisted tackles (also called a half tackle)
from 2008
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of sacking the opposing quarterback
from 2006
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
PassesDefended decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passes defended or batted down
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered that resulted in a turnover
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from fumble recoveries
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from interceptions
FieldGoalsAttempted decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of field goal attempts
FieldGoalsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful field goal attempts
ExtraPointsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful extra points
TwoPointConversionPasses decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion passes
TwoPointConversionRuns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion runs
TwoPointConversionReceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion receptions
FantasyPoints decimal 32 No Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
FantasyPointsPPR decimal 32 No Yes No Fantasy points scored based on basic PPR fantasy scoring system
FantasyPosition string 50 Yes No Yes The player's fantasy football position. Possible values: QB, RB, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB, K, P, OL
PlayerGameID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of PlayerGame record (subject to change, although it very rarely does). For a static ID, use a combination of GameKey and PlayerID.
ExtraPointsAttempted decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kicks attempted
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FieldGoalsMade0to19 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 0 to 19 yards.
FieldGoalsMade20to29 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 20 to 29 yards.
FieldGoalsMade30to39 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 30 to 39 yards.
FieldGoalsMade40to49 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 40 to 49 yards.
FieldGoalsMade50Plus decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 50+ yards.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
InjuryStatus string 50 Yes Yes Yes The player's injury status for the upcoming game, in the form of likelihood that player plays (Probable, Questionable, Doubtful, Out)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this opposing team
ScoreID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of the Score/Game.
SnapCountsConfirmed boolean Yes No No Whether snap count fields are confirmed (true/false). This takes place the morning after the game.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Player Season Stats
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL regular season for which these totals apply
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Number integer 32 No No Yes Player's jersey number
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Position string 50 Yes No Yes Player's position in the starting lineup (if started), otherwise the position he substituted for
PositionCategory string 50 Yes No Yes Abbreviation of either Offense, Defense or Special Teams (OFF, DEF, ST)
Played integer 32 No No Yes Number of games played in
Started integer 32 No No Yes Number of games started
PassingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
PassingCompletions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of pass completions
PassingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passing yards
PassingCompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
PassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
PassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
PassingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
PassingInterceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
PassingRating decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passer rating
PassingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest completion
PassingSacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of times sacked
PassingSackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of being sacked
RushingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
RushingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
RushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
RushingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
RushingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest rush
from 2009
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times targeted by passer
Receptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of receptions
ReceivingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total receiving yards
ReceivingYardsPerReception decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per reception
ReceivingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Receiving touchdowns
ReceivingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest reception
Fumbles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Times fumbled
from 2003
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered by opponent
PuntReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of punt return attempts
PuntReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on punts
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on punt returns
KickReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of kick return attempts
KickReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on kicks
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on kick returns
SoloTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Solo, unassisted tackles
AssistedTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Assisted tackles (also called a half tackle)
from 2008
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of sacking the opposing quarterback
from 2006
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
PassesDefended decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passes defended or batted down
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from fumble recoveries
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from interceptions
FieldGoalsAttempted decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of field goal attempts
FieldGoalsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful field goal attempts
ExtraPointsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful extra points
TwoPointConversionPasses decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion passes
TwoPointConversionRuns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion runs
TwoPointConversionReceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion receptions
FantasyPoints decimal 32 No Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
FantasyPointsPPR decimal 32 No Yes No Fantasy points scored based on basic PPR fantasy scoring system
FantasyPosition string 50 Yes No Yes The player's fantasy football position. Possible values: QB, RB, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB, K, P, OL
PlayerSeasonID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of PlayerSeason record (subject to change, although it very rarely does). For a static ID, use a combination of SeasonType, Season and PlayerID.
ExtraPointsAttempted decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kicks attempted
AuctionValue decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap auction draft.
AuctionValuePPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap PPR auction draft.
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FieldGoalsMade0to19 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 0 to 19 yards.
FieldGoalsMade20to29 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 20 to 29 yards.
FieldGoalsMade30to39 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 30 to 39 yards.
FieldGoalsMade40to49 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 40 to 49 yards.
FieldGoalsMade50Plus decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 50+ yards.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
AverageDraftPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
AverageDraftPositionPPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position in PPR leagues of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
AverageDraftPositionRookie decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of this player in rookie drafts
AverageDraftPositionDynasty decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of this player in dynasty drafts
AverageDraftPosition2QB decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of this player in 2 Quarterback drafts
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Fantasy API
Projected Player Season Stats (w/ ADP)
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
PlayerID integer 32 Yes No Yes Unique ID assigned to each player that stays with them throughout their career
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL regular season for which these totals apply
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Number integer 32 No No Yes Player's jersey number
Name string 50 Yes No Yes Player's name
Position string 50 Yes No Yes Player's position in the starting lineup (if started), otherwise the position he substituted for
PositionCategory string 50 Yes No Yes Abbreviation of either Offense, Defense or Special Teams (OFF, DEF, ST)
Played integer 32 No No Yes Number of games played in
Started integer 32 No No Yes Number of games started
PassingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
PassingCompletions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of pass completions
PassingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of passing yards
PassingCompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
PassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
PassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
PassingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
PassingInterceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
PassingRating decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passer rating
PassingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest completion
PassingSacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of times sacked
PassingSackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of being sacked
RushingAttempts decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
RushingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
RushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
RushingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
RushingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest rush
from 2009
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times targeted by passer
Receptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of receptions
ReceivingYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total receiving yards
ReceivingYardsPerReception decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per reception
ReceivingTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Receiving touchdowns
ReceivingLong decimal 32 No Yes Yes Longest reception
Fumbles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Times fumbled
from 2003
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered by opponent
PuntReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of punt return attempts
PuntReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on punts
PuntReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on punt returns
KickReturns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of kick return attempts
KickReturnYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Total return yards on kicks
KickReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of touchdowns on kick returns
SoloTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Solo, unassisted tackles
AssistedTackles decimal 32 No Yes Yes Assisted tackles (also called a half tackle)
from 2008
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
Sacks decimal 32 No Yes Yes Sacks of the opposing quarterback
SackYards decimal 32 No Yes Yes Yards lost as a result of sacking the opposing quarterback
from 2006
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
PassesDefended decimal 32 No Yes Yes Passes defended or batted down
FumblesForced decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of fumbles recovered
FumbleReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from fumble recoveries
Interceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of interceptions
InterceptionReturnTouchdowns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Return touchdowns from interceptions
FieldGoalsAttempted decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of field goal attempts
FieldGoalsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful field goal attempts
ExtraPointsMade decimal 32 No Yes Yes Number of successful extra points
TwoPointConversionPasses decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion passes
TwoPointConversionRuns decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion runs
TwoPointConversionReceptions decimal 32 No Yes Yes Successful two point conversion receptions
FantasyPoints decimal 32 No Yes Yes Fantasy points scored based on basic fantasy scoring system
FantasyPointsPPR decimal 32 No Yes No Fantasy points scored based on basic PPR fantasy scoring system
FantasyPosition string 50 Yes No Yes The player's fantasy football position. Possible values: QB, RB, WR, TE, DL, LB, DB, K, P, OL
PlayerSeasonID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of PlayerSeason record (subject to change, although it very rarely does). For a static ID, use a combination of SeasonType, Season and PlayerID.
ExtraPointsAttempted decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kicks attempted
AuctionValue decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap auction draft.
AuctionValuePPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Player's dollar value in a $200 salary cap PPR auction draft.
FantasyPointsFanDuel decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on FanDuel's scoring system.
FieldGoalsMade0to19 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 0 to 19 yards.
FieldGoalsMade20to29 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 20 to 29 yards.
FieldGoalsMade30to39 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 30 to 39 yards.
FieldGoalsMade40to49 decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 40 to 49 yards.
FieldGoalsMade50Plus decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made of 50+ yards.
FantasyPointsDraftKings decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Fantasy points based on DraftKings' scoring system.
AverageDraftPosition decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
AverageDraftPositionPPR decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The average draft position in PPR leagues of the team's fantasy defense (DST)
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
AverageDraftPositionRookie decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of this player in rookie drafts
AverageDraftPositionDynasty decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of this player in dynasty drafts
AverageDraftPosition2QB decimal 32 Yes Yes No The average draft position of this player in 2 Quarterback drafts


This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
ScoreId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of the Score/Game.
Season integer 32 No No No The calendar year of the season during which this game occurs.
SeasonType integer 32 No No No The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Week integer 32 Yes No No The week during the season/round in which this game occurs.
Day date Yes No No The day that the game is scheduled to be played.
DateTime datetime Yes No No The date/time that the game is scheduled to be played.
Status string 10 Yes No No Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
AwayTeamId integer 32 Yes No No The TeamId of the away team.
HomeTeamId integer 32 Yes No No The TeamId of the home team.
AwayTeamName string 50 Yes No No The name of the away team.
HomeTeamName string 50 Yes No No The name of the home team.
PregameOdds GameOdd[] Yes No No List of Pregame Odds from different sportsbooks
HomeTeamScore integer Yes Yes No Score of the home team (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
AwayTeamScore integer Yes Yes No Score of the away team (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
TotalScore integer Yes Yes No Total scored points in the game (updated after game ends to allow for resolving bets)
HomeRotationNumber integer Yes Yes No Rotation Number of home team in this game
AwayRotationNumber integer Yes Yes No Rotation Number of away team in this game
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameOddId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of this odd
Sportsbook string 25 No Yes No Name of sportsbook
ScoreId integer 32 No No No Unique ID of the Score/Game.
Created datetime No No No The timestamp of when these odds were first created, based on US Eatern Time (EST/EDT).
Updated datetime No No No The timestamp of when these odds were last updated, based on US Eatern Time (EST/EDT). If these are the latest odds for this game, and they have not been updated within the last few minutes, then it indicates that there were problems connecting to the sportsbook.
HomeMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's money line for the home team
AwayMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's money line for the away team
DrawMoneyLine integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's money line for a draw
HomePointSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's point spread for the home team
AwayPointSpread decimal 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's point spread for the away team
HomePointSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's point spread payout for the home team
AwayPointSpreadPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's point spread payout for the away team
OverUnder decimal 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's total points scored over under for the game
OverPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's payout for the over
UnderPayout integer 32 Yes Yes No The sportsbook's payout for the under
SportsbookId integer 32 Yes No No Unique ID of the Sportsbook
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Scores by Season , Scores by Week
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameKey string 10 Yes No Yes A 9 digit unique code identifying the game that this record corresponds to. The GameID is composed of Season, SeasonType, Week and HomeTeam.
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this game corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=All-Star).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL season of the game
Week integer 32 No No Yes The NFL week of the game (regular season: 1 to 17, preseason: 0 to 4, postseason: 1 to 4)
Date datetime No No Yes The date/time of the game
AwayTeam string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Away Team
HomeTeam string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Home Team
AwayScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The final score of the Away Team
HomeScore integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The final score of the Home Team
from 2002
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The oddsmaker Point Spread at game start from the perspective of the HomeTeam (negative numbers indicate the HomeTeam is favored, positive numbers indicate the AwayTeam is favored)
from 2002
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes The oddsmaker Over/Under at game start
AwayScoreQuarter1 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 1
AwayScoreQuarter2 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 2
AwayScoreQuarter3 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 3
AwayScoreQuarter4 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 4
AwayScoreOvertime integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Overtime
HomeScoreQuarter1 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 1
HomeScoreQuarter2 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 2
HomeScoreQuarter3 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 3
HomeScoreQuarter4 integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Quarter 4
HomeScoreOvertime integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Points scored during Overtime
from 2013
integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of the team's current home stadium
from 2015
integer 32 Yes No Yes The forecasted low temperature on game day at this venue (Fahrenheit).
from 2015
integer 32 Yes No Yes The forecasted high temperature on game day at this venue (Fahrenheit).
from 2015
string 50 Yes No Yes The forecast description on game day at this venue.
from 2015
integer 32 Yes No Yes The forecasted wind chill on game day at this venue.
from 2015
integer 32 Yes No Yes The forecasted wind speed on game day at this venue.
from 2015
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Money line from the perspective of the away team.
from 2015
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Money line from the perspective of the home team.
AwayTeamID integer 32 Yes No No The unique ID of the away team
HomeTeamID integer 32 Yes No No The unique ID of the home team 
ScoreID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of the Score/Game
StadiumDetails Stadium Yes No No The details of the stadium where this game is played
Status string 20 Yes No No Indicates the game's status. Possible values include: Scheduled, InProgress, Final, F/OT, Suspended, Postponed, Delayed, Canceled, Forfeit
HomeRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes No Rotation number of home team in this game
AwayRotationNumber integer 32 Yes Yes No Rotation number of away team in this game
NeutralVenue boolean Yes No Yes Indicates whether this game is played in a neutral venue
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The payout when betting the Over of the Over/Under
from 2021
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes The payout when betting the Under of the Over/Under
This table is used in the following endpoints:
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
StadiumID integer 32 No No Yes The unique ID of the stadium
Name string 100 No No Yes The full name of the stadium
City string 50 No No Yes The city where the stadium is located
State string 10 Yes No Yes The US state where the stadium is located (if Stadium is outside US, this value is NULL)
Country string 10 No No Yes The 2-digit country code where the stadium is located
Capacity integer 32 Yes No Yes The estimated seating capacity of the stadium
PlayingSurface string 50 Yes No Yes The playing surface of the stadium (Grass, Artificial or Dome)
GeoLat decimal 32 Yes No Yes The geographic latitude coordinate of this venue.
GeoLong decimal 32 Yes No Yes The geographic longitude coordinate of this venue.
Type string 50 Yes No Yes The type of the stadium (possible values: Outdoor, Dome, RetractableDome)
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Team Game Stats
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
GameKey string 10 No No No A 9 digit unique code identifying the game that this record corresponds to. The GameID is composed of Season, SeasonType, Week and HomeTeam.
Date datetime Yes No Yes The date/time of the game
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL season of the game
Week integer 32 Yes No Yes The NFL week of the game (regular season: 1 to 17, preseason: 0 to 4, postseason: 1 to 4)
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Opponent string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Opponent
HomeOrAway string 4 Yes No Yes Whether the Team is Home or Away
Score integer 32 No Yes Yes The final score of the Team
OpponentScore integer 32 No Yes Yes The final score of the Opponent
TotalScore integer 32 No No Yes The total score of both teams
from 2001
string 50 Yes No Yes Stadium of the event
ScoreQuarter1 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 1 for the Team
ScoreQuarter2 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 2 for the Team
ScoreQuarter3 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 3 for the Team
ScoreQuarter4 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 4 for the Team
ScoreOvertime integer 32 No No Yes Points scored during Overtime for the Team
TimeOfPossessionMinutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Time of possession minutes
TimeOfPossessionSeconds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Time of possession seconds
TimeOfPossession string 50 Yes No Yes Time of possession
FirstDowns integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rushing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total passing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs by opponent's penalty
OffensivePlays integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive plays run
OffensiveYards integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive yards gained
OffensiveYardsPerPlay decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per offensive play
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Touchdowns scored
RushingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
RushingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
RushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
PassingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
PassingCompletions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of pass completions
PassingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passing yards
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
PassingInterceptions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
PassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
PassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
CompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Passer rating
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of third downs converted
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fourth down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fourth down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of fourth downs converted
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Red zone opportunities
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Red zone opportunities converted to touchdowns
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
Penalties integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Penalties committed
PenaltyYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Penalty yards enforced against team
Fumbles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles
FumblesLost integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles lost
TimesSacked integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of sacks allowed by Team
TimesSackedYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of yards lost as a result of sacks allowed
from 2006
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times the opposing QB was hit (includes sacks)
from 2008
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
Punts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of punts
PuntYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total punt yards
PuntAverage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average number of yards per punt
Giveaways integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of giveaways
Takeaways integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of takeaways
TurnoverDifferential integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of takeaways minus giveaways
OpponentScoreQuarter1 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 1 for the Team
OpponentScoreQuarter2 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 2 for the Team
OpponentScoreQuarter3 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 3 for the Team
OpponentScoreQuarter4 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 4 for the Team
OpponentScoreOvertime integer 32 No No Yes Points scored during Overtime for the Team
OpponentTimeOfPossessionMinutes integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Time of possession minutes
OpponentTimeOfPossessionSeconds integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Time of possession seconds
OpponentTimeOfPossession string 50 Yes No Yes Time of possession
OpponentFirstDowns integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rushing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total passing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs by opponent's penalty
OpponentOffensivePlays integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive plays run
OpponentOffensiveYards integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive yards gained
OpponentOffensiveYardsPerPlay decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per offensive play
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Touchdowns scored
OpponentRushingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
OpponentRushingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
OpponentRushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
OpponentPassingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
OpponentPassingCompletions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of pass completions
OpponentPassingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passing yards
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
OpponentPassingInterceptions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
OpponentPassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
OpponentPassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
OpponentCompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Passer rating
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of third downs converted
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fourth down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fourth down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of fourth downs converted
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Red zone opportunities
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Red zone opportunities converted to touchdowns
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
OpponentPenalties integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Penalties committed
OpponentPenaltyYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Penalty yards enforced against the opponent
OpponentFumbles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles
OpponentFumblesLost integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles lost
OpponentTimesSacked integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of sacks allowed by Opponent
OpponentTimesSackedYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of yards opponent lost as a result of being sacked
from 2006
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
from 2008
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
OpponentPunts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of punts
OpponentPuntYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total punt yards
OpponentPuntAverage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average number of yards per punt
OpponentGiveaways integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of giveaways
OpponentTakeaways integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of takeaways
OpponentTurnoverDifferential integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of takeaways minus giveaways
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of red zone opportunities converted into touchdowns
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of opponent's red zone opportunities converted into touchdowns
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kick attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kicks made
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kick attempts that were blocked
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion passing attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion passing conversions
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion rushing attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion rushing conversions
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goal attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kick attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kicks made
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Extra point kick attempts that were blocked
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion passing attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion passing conversions
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion rushing attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Two point conversion rushing conversions
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goal attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Field goals made
SoloTackles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive solo tackles
AssistedTackles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive assisted tackles
Sacks integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive sacks
SackYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive sack yards
PassesDefended integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive passes defended
FumblesForced integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive fumbles forced
FumblesRecovered integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles recovered that resulted in change of possession
OpponentSoloTackles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive solo tackles
OpponentAssistedTackles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive assisted tackles
OpponentSacks integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive sacks
OpponentSackYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive sack yards
OpponentPassesDefended integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive passes defended
OpponentFumblesForced integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Defensive fumbles forced
OpponentFumblesRecovered integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles recovered that resulted in change of possession
DayOfWeek string 50 Yes No Yes The day of the week this game was played on (e.g. Sunday, Monday)
TeamGameID integer 32 No No No Unique ID of this TeamGame record (subject to change, although it very rarely does). For a guaranteed static ID, use a combination of GameKey and Team.
TeamID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this team
OpponentID integer 32 Yes No Yes The unique ID of this opposing team
ScoreID integer 32 No No Yes Unique ID of the Score/Game.
This table is used in the following endpoints:
FantasyData NFL Odds API
Team Season Stats
Name Type Size Nullable Scrambled CSV Description
SeasonType integer 32 No No Yes The type of season that this record corresponds to (1=Regular Season, 2=Preseason, 3=Postseason, 4=Offseason, 5=AllStar).
Season integer 32 No No Yes The NFL regular season for which these totals apply
Team string 50 Yes No Yes The abbreviation of the Team
Score integer 32 No No Yes Total points scored
OpponentScore integer 32 No No Yes Total points scored by opponents
TotalScore integer 32 No No Yes Total points scored by both teams
ScoreQuarter1 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 1 for the Team
ScoreQuarter2 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 2 for the Team
ScoreQuarter3 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 3 for the Team
ScoreQuarter4 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 4 for the Team
ScoreOvertime integer 32 No No Yes Points scored during Overtime for the Team
TimeOfPossession string 50 Yes No Yes Time of possession
FirstDowns integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rushing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total passing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs by opponent's penalty
OffensivePlays integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive plays run
OffensiveYards integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive yards gained
OffensiveYardsPerPlay decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per offensive play
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Touchdowns scored
RushingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
RushingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
RushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
PassingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
PassingCompletions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of pass completions
PassingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passing yards
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
PassingInterceptions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
PassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
PassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
CompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Passer rating
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of third downs converted
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fourth down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fourth down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of fourth downs converted
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Red zone opportunities
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Red zone opportunities converted to touchdowns
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Deprecated
Penalties integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Penalties committed
PenaltyYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Penalty yards enforced against the Team
Fumbles integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles
FumblesLost integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Fumbles lost
TimesSacked integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of sacks allowed by Team
TimesSackedYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of yards lost as a result of sacks allowed
from 2006
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of times hitting an opposing quarterback (this inludes sacks)
from 2008
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Tackles behind the opponent's line of scrimmage (sacks are also credited as a tackle for loss)
Punts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of punts
PuntYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total punt yards
PuntAverage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average number of yards per punt
Giveaways integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of giveaways
Takeaways integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of takeaways
TurnoverDifferential integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of takeaways minus giveaways
OpponentScoreQuarter1 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 1 for the Team
OpponentScoreQuarter2 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 2 for the Team
OpponentScoreQuarter3 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 3 for the Team
OpponentScoreQuarter4 integer 32 Yes No Yes Points scored during Quarter 4 for the Team
OpponentScoreOvertime integer 32 No No Yes Points scored during Overtime for the Team
OpponentTimeOfPossession string 50 Yes No Yes Time of possession
OpponentFirstDowns integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total rushing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total passing first downs
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Total first downs by opponent's penalty
OpponentOffensivePlays integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive plays run
OpponentOffensiveYards integer 32 No Yes Yes Number of offensive yards gained
OpponentOffensiveYardsPerPlay decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average yards gained per offensive play
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Touchdowns scored
OpponentRushingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing attempts
OpponentRushingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of rushing yards
OpponentRushingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average rushing yards gained per attempt
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Rushing touchdowns scored
OpponentPassingAttempts integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passes thrown
OpponentPassingCompletions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of pass completions
OpponentPassingYards integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Number of passing yards
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Passing touchdowns thrown
OpponentPassingInterceptions integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Interceptions thrown
OpponentPassingYardsPerAttempt decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per attempt
OpponentPassingYardsPerCompletion decimal 32 No Yes Yes Average passing yards gained per completion
OpponentCompletionPercentage decimal 32 No Yes Yes Percentage of passes that were completed
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Passer rating
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down attempts
from 2001
integer 32 Yes Yes Yes Third down conversions
from 2001
decimal 32 Yes Yes Yes Percentage of third downs converted